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Class – 3 – Subtractions

  1. What is 8,256 minus 4,789?A) 3,467
    B) 3,377
    C) 3,567
    D) 3,457
  2. Subtract 5,679 from 9,800. What is the result?A) 4,121
    B) 4,221
    C) 4,321
    D) 4,421
  3. What is the difference between 10,000 and 6,587?A) 3,413
    B) 4,413
    C) 3,513
    D) 3,323
  4. Find the result of 7,394 minus 3,857.A) 3,437
    B) 3,537
    C) 3,637
    D) 3,737
  5. What is 8,712 minus 4,567?A) 4,145
    B) 4,155
    C) 4,165
    D) 4,175
  6. Subtract 8,888 from 9,999. What do you get?A) 1,111
    B) 1,121
    C) 1,131
    D) 1,101
  7. What is the difference between 6,545 and 2,899?A) 3,646
    B) 3,656
    C) 3,666
    D) 3,676
  8. Subtract 2,739 from 7,000. What is the result?A) 4,261
    B) 4,271
    C) 4,281
    D) 4,291
  9. Find the difference: 8,123 minus 5,678.A) 2,445
    B) 2,455
    C) 2,465
    D) 2,475
  10. What is 9,999 minus 4,444?A) 5,555
    B) 5,545
    C) 5,565
    D) 5,575
  11. If you have 8,888 apples and give away 6,799, how many apples are left?A) 2,089
    B) 2,099
    C) 2,189
    D) 2,199
  12. What is 5,234 minus 2,987?A) 2,247
    B) 2,257
    C) 2,267
    D) 2,277
  13. Subtract 7,567 from 10,000.A) 2,433
    B) 2,443
    C) 2,453
    D) 2,463
  14. Tom had 8,678 marbles and lost 5,789 of them. How many marbles does he have now?A) 2,889
    B) 2,799
    C) 2,989
    D) 2,899
  15. Find the difference: 9,500 minus 4,789.A) 4,711
    B) 4,721
    C) 4,731
    D) 4,741
  16. Sarah collected 6,400 shells. She gave 3,856 shells to her sister. How many shells does Sarah have now?A) 2,544
    B) 2,554
    C) 2,564
    D) 2,574
  17. What is 8,003 minus 6,789?A) 1,214
    B) 1,224
    C) 1,234
    D) 1,244
  18. Subtract 2,999 from 6,000.A) 3,001
    B) 3,101
    C) 3,201
    D) 3,301
  19. Mark has a book with 7,411 pages. He has read 4,253 pages. How many pages does he have left to read?A) 3,158
    B) 3,168
    C) 3,178
    D) 3,188
  20. If you have 10,000 candies and eat 7,890, how many are left?A) 2,110
    B) 2,210
    C) 2,310
    D) 2,410
  21. Lisa had 9,684 beads. She used 4,297 beads to make a necklace. How many beads does she have left?A) 5,387
    B) 5,397
    C) 5,407
    D) 5,417
  22. Subtract 5,564 from 8,888.A) 3,324
    B) 3,334
    C) 3,344
    D) 3,354
  23. A farmer had 7,735 sheep. He sold 4,459 sheep. How many sheep does he have now?A) 3,276
    B) 3,286
    C) 3,296
    D) 3,306
  24. Find the difference: 9,902 minus 6,745.A) 3,157
    B) 3,167
    C) 3,177
    D) 3,187
  25. There are 8,000 students in a city. If 5,567 students are boys, how many are girls?A) 2,433
    B) 2,443
    C) 2,453
    D) 2,463
  26. What is 8,814 minus 2,789?A) 6,025
    B) 6,035
    C) 6,045
    D) 6,055
  27. Subtract 3,883 from 7,000.A) 3,117
    B) 3,127
    C) 3,137
    D) 3,147
  28. Alex had 9,999 points in a game. He lost 6,678 points. How many points does he have now?A) 3,321
    B) 3,331
    C) 3,341
    D) 3,351
  29. Find the difference: 6,624 minus 4,458.A) 2,166
    B) 2,176
    C) 2,186
    D) 2,196
  30. Emily had 1,000 candies and gave 789 to her friends. How many candies does she have left?A) 211
    B) 221
    C) 231
    D) 241
  31. What is 7,765 minus 4,439?A) 3,326
    B) 3,336
    C) 3,346
    D) 3,356
  32. Subtract 5,593 from 9,000.A) 3,407
    B) 3,417
    C) 3,427
    D) 3,437
  33. Emma had 8,847 stickers. She gave 5,598 stickers to her brother. How many stickers does she have left?A) 3,249
    B) 3,259
    C) 3,269
    D) 3,279
  34. Find the difference: 7,708 minus 5,529.A) 2,179
    B) 2,189
    C) 2,199
    D) 2,209
  35. Subtract 6,672 from 10,000. What do you get?A) 3,328
    B) 3,338
    C) 3,348
    D) 3,358
  36. What is 9,855 minus 7,777?A) 2,078
    B) 2,088
    C) 2,098
    D) 2,108
  37. Mike had 8,600 pencils. He lost 4,485 pencils. How many pencils does he have now?A) 4,115
    B) 4,125
    C) 4,135
    D) 4,145
  38. What is 10,000 minus 9,999?A) 1
    B) 2
    C) 0
    D) 3
  39. If you have 5,000 marbles and lose 3,887, how many marbles do you have left?A) 1,113
    B) 1,123
    C) 1,133
    D) 1,143
  40. Anna had 6,674 coins. She spent 5,589 coins on toys. How many coins does she have left?A) 1,085
    B) 1,095
    C) 1,075
    D) 1,065

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  1. A) 3,467
  2. A) 4,121
  3. A) 3,413
  4. B) 3,537
  5. A) 4,145
  6. A) 1,111
  7. A) 3,646
  8. A) 4,261
  9. A) 2,445
  10. A) 5,555
  11. A) 2,089
  12. A) 2,247
  13. A) 2,433
  14. A) 2,889
  15. A) 4,711
  16. A) 2,544
  17. A) 1,214
  18. A) 3,001
  19. A) 3,158
  20. A) 2,110
  21. A) 5,387
  22. A) 3,324
  23. A) 3,276
  24. A) 3,157
  25. A) 2,433
  26. A) 6,025
  27. A) 3,117
  28. A) 3,321
  29. A) 2,166
  30. A) 211
  31. A) 3,326
  32. A) 3,407
  33. A) 3,249
  34. A) 2,179
  35. A) 3,328
  36. A) 2,078
  37. A) 4,115
  38. A) 1
  39. A) 1,113
  40. A) 1,085