- What is 8,256 minus 4,789?A) 3,467
B) 3,377
C) 3,567
D) 3,457 - Subtract 5,679 from 9,800. What is the result?A) 4,121
B) 4,221
C) 4,321
D) 4,421 - What is the difference between 10,000 and 6,587?A) 3,413
B) 4,413
C) 3,513
D) 3,323 - Find the result of 7,394 minus 3,857.A) 3,437
B) 3,537
C) 3,637
D) 3,737 - What is 8,712 minus 4,567?A) 4,145
B) 4,155
C) 4,165
D) 4,175 - Subtract 8,888 from 9,999. What do you get?A) 1,111
B) 1,121
C) 1,131
D) 1,101 - What is the difference between 6,545 and 2,899?A) 3,646
B) 3,656
C) 3,666
D) 3,676 - Subtract 2,739 from 7,000. What is the result?A) 4,261
B) 4,271
C) 4,281
D) 4,291 - Find the difference: 8,123 minus 5,678.A) 2,445
B) 2,455
C) 2,465
D) 2,475 - What is 9,999 minus 4,444?A) 5,555
B) 5,545
C) 5,565
D) 5,575 - If you have 8,888 apples and give away 6,799, how many apples are left?A) 2,089
B) 2,099
C) 2,189
D) 2,199 - What is 5,234 minus 2,987?A) 2,247
B) 2,257
C) 2,267
D) 2,277 - Subtract 7,567 from 10,000.A) 2,433
B) 2,443
C) 2,453
D) 2,463 - Tom had 8,678 marbles and lost 5,789 of them. How many marbles does he have now?A) 2,889
B) 2,799
C) 2,989
D) 2,899 - Find the difference: 9,500 minus 4,789.A) 4,711
B) 4,721
C) 4,731
D) 4,741 - Sarah collected 6,400 shells. She gave 3,856 shells to her sister. How many shells does Sarah have now?A) 2,544
B) 2,554
C) 2,564
D) 2,574 - What is 8,003 minus 6,789?A) 1,214
B) 1,224
C) 1,234
D) 1,244 - Subtract 2,999 from 6,000.A) 3,001
B) 3,101
C) 3,201
D) 3,301 - Mark has a book with 7,411 pages. He has read 4,253 pages. How many pages does he have left to read?A) 3,158
B) 3,168
C) 3,178
D) 3,188 - If you have 10,000 candies and eat 7,890, how many are left?A) 2,110
B) 2,210
C) 2,310
D) 2,410 - Lisa had 9,684 beads. She used 4,297 beads to make a necklace. How many beads does she have left?A) 5,387
B) 5,397
C) 5,407
D) 5,417 - Subtract 5,564 from 8,888.A) 3,324
B) 3,334
C) 3,344
D) 3,354 - A farmer had 7,735 sheep. He sold 4,459 sheep. How many sheep does he have now?A) 3,276
B) 3,286
C) 3,296
D) 3,306 - Find the difference: 9,902 minus 6,745.A) 3,157
B) 3,167
C) 3,177
D) 3,187 - There are 8,000 students in a city. If 5,567 students are boys, how many are girls?A) 2,433
B) 2,443
C) 2,453
D) 2,463 - What is 8,814 minus 2,789?A) 6,025
B) 6,035
C) 6,045
D) 6,055 - Subtract 3,883 from 7,000.A) 3,117
B) 3,127
C) 3,137
D) 3,147 - Alex had 9,999 points in a game. He lost 6,678 points. How many points does he have now?A) 3,321
B) 3,331
C) 3,341
D) 3,351 - Find the difference: 6,624 minus 4,458.A) 2,166
B) 2,176
C) 2,186
D) 2,196 - Emily had 1,000 candies and gave 789 to her friends. How many candies does she have left?A) 211
B) 221
C) 231
D) 241 - What is 7,765 minus 4,439?A) 3,326
B) 3,336
C) 3,346
D) 3,356 - Subtract 5,593 from 9,000.A) 3,407
B) 3,417
C) 3,427
D) 3,437 - Emma had 8,847 stickers. She gave 5,598 stickers to her brother. How many stickers does she have left?A) 3,249
B) 3,259
C) 3,269
D) 3,279 - Find the difference: 7,708 minus 5,529.A) 2,179
B) 2,189
C) 2,199
D) 2,209 - Subtract 6,672 from 10,000. What do you get?A) 3,328
B) 3,338
C) 3,348
D) 3,358 - What is 9,855 minus 7,777?A) 2,078
B) 2,088
C) 2,098
D) 2,108 - Mike had 8,600 pencils. He lost 4,485 pencils. How many pencils does he have now?A) 4,115
B) 4,125
C) 4,135
D) 4,145 - What is 10,000 minus 9,999?A) 1
B) 2
C) 0
D) 3 - If you have 5,000 marbles and lose 3,887, how many marbles do you have left?A) 1,113
B) 1,123
C) 1,133
D) 1,143 - Anna had 6,674 coins. She spent 5,589 coins on toys. How many coins does she have left?A) 1,085
B) 1,095
C) 1,075
D) 1,065
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- A) 3,467
- A) 4,121
- A) 3,413
- B) 3,537
- A) 4,145
- A) 1,111
- A) 3,646
- A) 4,261
- A) 2,445
- A) 5,555
- A) 2,089
- A) 2,247
- A) 2,433
- A) 2,889
- A) 4,711
- A) 2,544
- A) 1,214
- A) 3,001
- A) 3,158
- A) 2,110
- A) 5,387
- A) 3,324
- A) 3,276
- A) 3,157
- A) 2,433
- A) 6,025
- A) 3,117
- A) 3,321
- A) 2,166
- A) 211
- A) 3,326
- A) 3,407
- A) 3,249
- A) 2,179
- A) 3,328
- A) 2,078
- A) 4,115
- A) 1
- A) 1,113
- A) 1,085