Class -1-Mathematics-Measurement – Length, Weight and Capacity


Class -1-Mathematics-Measurement - Length, Weight and Capacity-1

1 / 20

Which balloon has the longest string?

2 / 20

Anusha baked 5 cakes. The weight of each cake is 3 kg. What will be the total weight of 5 cakes?

3 / 20

Height of Jack is 2 feet. If 1 foot is equal to 12 inches, then height of Jack is:

4 / 20

Distance between tree A and tree B is ___________ meter.

5 / 20

Which of the following cup is the shortest ?

6 / 20

A tank contains 10 litres of water. Asim wants to divide the water into cup, glass, water bottle and jug. Which of the container can hold maximum amount of water?

7 / 20

Which one of the following has least quantity of milk?

8 / 20

The weight of one packet of milk is 1 kg. What is the weight of 3 such packets of milk ?

9 / 20

Joy cycled 10 metre from his home to book shop and 5 metre from book shop to park. How much he travelled from his home to park ?

10 / 20

Which of the following tree is taller than P?

11 / 20

If 1 metre is equal to 100 centimetres, 2 metres is equal to :

12 / 20

Which cone is the longest

13 / 20

Which object is thinner than your water bottle ?

14 / 20

Find the incorrect option:

15 / 20

Barbie, Sanya, and Adi are sisters. Barbie is 3 metres long and Adi is 1 metre long and Sanya is 4 metres long. Who is the tallest among the three sisters ?

16 / 20

A full teapot can fill up 5 cups. How many cups can 3 such teapots fill ?

17 / 20

What is the length of the given figure?

18 / 20

Look at the following figure:

Which pencil is longest?

19 / 20

Which container can hold more water than a bucket ?

20 / 20

Which one of the following is the biggest unit?

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