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Class-2-Mathematics-Number Sense |SKK International Olympiad | Olympiad Practice papers online
0% Class-2-Mathematics-Number Sense -1 1 / 23One hundred forty. 104 114 14 140 2 / 23Five hundred twenty one. 502 501 521 512 3 / 23Four hundred thirty seven. 441 473 417 437 4 / 23Seven hundred fifty seven. 707 715 757 742 5 / 23Nine hundred sixty seven. 916 907 967 976 6 / 23Two hundred six. 216 206 260 210 7 / 23Eight hundred seventy four. 847 804 874 807 8 / 23Three hundred ninety six. 396 390 369 309 9 / 23Five hundreds and fifteen ones is same as -------------------------. 550 551 505 515 10 / 23Which number is between 456 and 546 456 546 564 465 11 / 23What is at the place of hundreds in the number 435 ? 5 7 3 4 12 / 23Write 658 in words Six hundred fifty and eighty Six hundred and fifty eight None of these Six hundred fifty 13 / 235 hundreds 6 tens is same as: 506 560 650 605 14 / 23Which one of the following numbers has 5 tens 6 ones? 55 56 66 65 15 / 23What is the ten's digit in the number 124 ? 2 5 4 1 16 / 23The digit at the hundreds place in the number 712 is ___________________. 2 1 7 6 17 / 23Which one of the following options is equal to 87 ? 7 tens + 8 ones 8 tens + 8 ones 7 tens + 7 one 8 tens + 7 ones 18 / 23What is the common digit at the place of ones in numbers 26, 36, 56 and 86 ? 6 2 5 8 19 / 23Which option is same as one hundred ? O tens 10 ones 100 tens O ones 10 tens 0 ones 1 tens 10 ones 20 / 23Directions (Qs, 20 to 23): Find the nearest number for following questions:Nearest ten for 70 20 40 50 21 / 23Nearest hundred for 300 200 100 400 22 / 23Nearest hundred for 200 500 300 400 23 / 23Nearest ten 85 80 90 100 Your score is 0% Restart quiz
Class-2-Mathematics-Number Sense -1
1 / 23
One hundred forty.
2 / 23
Five hundred twenty one.
3 / 23
Four hundred thirty seven.
4 / 23
Seven hundred fifty seven.
5 / 23
Nine hundred sixty seven.
6 / 23
Two hundred six.
7 / 23
Eight hundred seventy four.
8 / 23
Three hundred ninety six.
9 / 23
Five hundreds and fifteen ones is same as -------------------------.
10 / 23
Which number is between 456 and 546
11 / 23
What is at the place of hundreds in the number 435 ?
12 / 23
Write 658 in words
13 / 23
5 hundreds 6 tens is same as:
14 / 23
Which one of the following numbers has 5 tens 6 ones?
15 / 23
What is the ten's digit in the number 124 ?
16 / 23
The digit at the hundreds place in the number 712 is ___________________.
17 / 23
Which one of the following options is equal to 87 ?
18 / 23
What is the common digit at the place of ones in numbers 26, 36, 56 and 86 ?
19 / 23
Which option is same as one hundred ?
20 / 23
Directions (Qs, 20 to 23): Find the nearest number for following questions:
Nearest ten for
21 / 23
Nearest hundred for
22 / 23
23 / 23
Nearest ten
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