Class-2-Science-Human Body and their Needs

Class-2-Science-Human Body and their Needs | SKK International Olympiad | Olympiad Practice papers online


Class-2-Science-Human Body and their Needs-1

1 / 20

Unscramble the given words and select the correct option which is associated with `taste sense'.

2 / 20

How many holes are there in an ear?

3 / 20

The smallest particle which constitutes to form a human body is called…………...?

4 / 20

Which of the following organ in our body is used to smell?

5 / 20

Which of the following make muscular system?

6 / 20

Which of the following body parts is called 'storehouse of knowledge'.

7 / 20

Which of the following is the sense organ?

8 / 20

Which of the following is not a sense organ?

9 / 20

The……………. system helps us to take air from outside.

10 / 20

Which of the following is not a part of the human body?

11 / 20

Which of the following organ is not present in our body in a pair?

12 / 20

Which part of our body can be moved?

13 / 20

Our sense of…………... and …………... tell us that soya sauce is dark and salty

14 / 20

How many bones are present in our body?

15 / 20

Our skin gives us the sense of _____________.

16 / 20

Select the odd one out.

17 / 20

Select the correct match.

18 / 20

Which of the following controls the body function?

19 / 20

Which of the following organ is located in chest?

20 / 20

Priya is blind- folded as shown in the picture. Which senses would help her to recognise things?

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