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Class-2-Science-Plants | SKK International Olympiad | Olympiad Practice papers online
0% Class-2-Science-Plants-1 1 / 20Small plants with weak stems are called herbs. Which of these is a herb? Apple Grapevine Tulsi Gulmohar 2 / 20Which of the following statements explain about climbers? Climbers are plants with weak stems They climb up on support All of the above They cannot stand on their own 3 / 20Which of these is obtained from plants? Both (a) and (c) Paper Animals Medicine 4 / 20Which picture shows plants commonly found in a desert? Mango tree Cactus Guava Plant em tree 5 / 20Which of the following is NOT a fruit? D C A B 6 / 20Which of these is a creeper? Pumpkin Coconut tree Money plant Cactus 7 / 20The leaves of ______ are used as food. Ginger Eggs Cabbage Onion 8 / 20Select the odd one out shoot root trees leaves 9 / 20The shape of leaves of rose plant is like. B C D A 10 / 20Observe the given picture. What would X be? Sweet potato Sugarcane Groundnut Aloe vera 11 / 20Select the odd one out cactus hibiscus rose cotton 12 / 20Which of the following parts of a plant absorbs water from the soil? Leaves Stem All of these Root 13 / 20Which of these is NOT a plant? Mushroom Coconut tree Neem tree Mango tree 14 / 20Fruits develop from _____ Seeds Flowers Stem Leaves 15 / 20Which of these is an important function of the roots of a plant? To absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere To absorb oxygen from the atmosphere All of these To absorb water and minerals from the soil 16 / 20Select the odd one out chair pumpkin. chair table 17 / 20Select the odd one out grapevine bean pumpkin. money plant 18 / 20Which of the following plant is a herb? Mint Hibiscus Coconut Mango 19 / 20Which of the following part is known as the food storehouse in potatoes? Leaves Root Stem Shoot 20 / 20Which part of these plants given below are eaten as food? Leaves Stems Roots Flowers Your score is 0% Restart quiz
1 / 20
Small plants with weak stems are called herbs. Which of these is a herb?
2 / 20
Which of the following statements explain about climbers?
3 / 20
Which of these is obtained from plants?
4 / 20
Which picture shows plants commonly found in a desert?
5 / 20
Which of the following is NOT a fruit?
6 / 20
Which of these is a creeper?
7 / 20
The leaves of ______ are used as food.
8 / 20
Select the odd one out
9 / 20
The shape of leaves of rose plant is like.
10 / 20
Observe the given picture. What would X be?
11 / 20
12 / 20
Which of the following parts of a plant absorbs water from the soil?
13 / 20
Which of these is NOT a plant?
14 / 20
Fruits develop from _____
15 / 20
Which of these is an important function of the roots of a plant?
16 / 20
17 / 20
18 / 20
Which of the following plant is a herb?
19 / 20
Which of the following part is known as the food storehouse in potatoes?
20 / 20
Which part of these plants given below are eaten as food?
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