class-4-Science-Food, Health and Sani


class-4-Science-Food, Health and Sani - 1

1 / 20

Food items rich in vitamins and minerals are essential because:

2 / 20

Aashu is a class 4 student. One day when he was playing with his friends, he saw an old man eating sugarcane with ease. Next day, he also tried to eat sugarcane but his teeth were paining and he was unable to eat. What is required for strong bones and teeth ?

3 / 20

Which component of food helps to get rid of undigested food from our body?

4 / 20

Shelf life of food is related to:

5 / 20

Glucose, lactose, fructose, and starch belong to which group?

6 / 20

For the Independence Day competition, Sonu was practicing running. To get quick energy, which of the following nurtient-rich foods should he take?

7 / 20

Mr. Sam is suffering from blood pressure and heart diseases because of his obesity. Which of the following foods is causing this?

8 / 20

Oil in pickles:

9 / 20

Lack of which nutrient can lead to goitre?

10 / 20

Sonia is a very lean 3-year-old girl. She has a swollen belly. Her skin is very dry. She eats chapaties and jaggery only. She could be a patient of:

11 / 20

Which of the following are essential for the formation and maintenance of bones?

12 / 20

Boiling of milk:

13 / 20

Which of the following has the highest amount of energy in them?

14 / 20

Which of the following components are needed in small quantities?

15 / 20

Which of the following is not classified as food?

16 / 20

Which of the following is a rich source of protein?

17 / 20

Which of the following will not help to arrest the action of micro-organisms on tomatoes?

18 / 20

I am a food item. I am added to Indian dishes to make them more appealing and tasty. I impact colour, flavour, and aroma of the dishes.

19 / 20

Oils, sweets, and ghee are a rich source of:

20 / 20

Freezing preserves food because it

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The average score is 31%



class-4-Science-Food, Health and Sani - 2

1 / 11

By recycling:

2 / 11

Germs present in water can be killed by:

3 / 11

To protect ourselves from diseases, sewage should be disposed off in:

4 / 11

Animal dung and other decaying matter can be used to produce:Manure

5 / 11

Loss of excess water and salt from the body is called:

6 / 11

ORS means:

7 / 11

The main reason for preserving food is to:

8 / 11

Organic waste can be disposed of by:

9 / 11

Which of the following diseases is caused because of unclean surroundings and bad food habits?

10 / 11

Flies spread:

11 / 11

Which is a communicable disease?

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The average score is 32%
