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Class-5 – Science-Food and Health


Class-5 - Science-Food and Health-1

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Diseases like malaria and dengue are spread by:

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Which of the following nutrient is responsible for strengthening muscles, bones, and teeth?

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The disease resulting from lack of energy and protein in the diet is called:

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Swati is suffering from bleeding gums and swollen joints. Name the disease:

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What is a deficiency disease?

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Communicable diseases also known as:

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Foods rich in carbohydrates are:

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What is common between bread, jam and potato chips?

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Which of the following helps the body get rid of undigested waste?

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Which of the following are not nutrients:

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Which of the following behaviours is part of a healthy eating plan?

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Which of the following is NOT a recommended way to maintain a healthful diet?

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If a person eats too much of food rich in fat and does no physical work, it leads to:

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Common cold spreads through:

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A person who does not eat meat should:

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Rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults are deficiency diseases of:

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Calcium and phosphorous are needed for:

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Which of the following foods is a good source of fiber?

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Diseases that occur due to lack of nutrients for over a long period are called:

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Disease is a condition:

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