Class-5 – Science-Human Body


Class-5 - Science-Human Body-1

1 / 20

The joints in the skull are:

2 / 20

Bones are made up of:

3 / 20

The nervous system develops from which germ layer?

4 / 20

Identify the parts labelled as A, B, and C in the figure and select the correct option.


5 / 20

Which of the following statements is/are true about the sense of touch?

6 / 20

The part of the human brain which is an important relay station for the sensory impulses and is also the origin of many of the involuntary acts of the eye such as the narrowing of the pupil in bright light is the:

7 / 20

Which muscles are under our control?

8 / 20

Which of the following activities is/are controlled by the somatic nervous system?

9 / 20

This joint allows the maximum movement.

10 / 20

Rotation of arm in a full circle is possible due to:

11 / 20

Gliding joint is present in:

12 / 20

What type of tissue is bone tissue?

13 / 20

Stripes of tough connective tissues that hold bones together are known as:

14 / 20

Which of these diseases affects the joints?

15 / 20

Which of the following statements is true?

16 / 20

The largest bone in our body is:

17 / 20

Which of the following is an example of striated tissue?

18 / 20

Muscles are attached to the bones with the fibre called:

19 / 20

Choose the correct answer that is part of the peripheral nervous system.

20 / 20

Which of the following statements is true?

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