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1 / 50

A person who does not eat meat should:

2 / 50

When the load is nearer the fulcrum than the effort, it is:

3 / 50

Aquatic microscopic animals are called:

4 / 50

What is depicted in the image given below?

5 / 50

Intermolecular force is very strong between:

6 / 50

What do the roots of plants absorb from soil?

7 / 50

Diseases like malaria and dengue are spread by:

8 / 50

Which of the following is an example of striated tissue?

9 / 50

It takes about _____ days for the moon to complete its cycle of phrases.

10 / 50

The joints in the skull are:

11 / 50

Pulley is mainly used to lift objects above the ground, thus this opposes:

12 / 50

Muscles are attached to the bones with the fibre called:

13 / 50

Which of these planets has the highest gravitational pull?

14 / 50

Which of the following helps the body get rid of undigested waste?

15 / 50

In which of the following ways can we use water?

16 / 50

All planets are named in Roman because:

17 / 50

Which is the closest planet to the Earth?

18 / 50

Which of these diseases are more prevalent in areas with poor sanitary conditions?

19 / 50

You have just kicked a rock, and it is now sliding across the ground, about 2 meters in front of you. Which of these forces act on the ball?

20 / 50

Which of the following is a correct match with the given headings?
Can fly Cannot fly Can fly Cannot fly

21 / 50

A substance changes from a solid to a liquid. Which point it has reached?

22 / 50

Three forces act on an object. In which direction does the object accelerate?

23 / 50

The number of links in a food chain is:

24 / 50

The part of the human brain which is an important relay station for the sensory impulses and is also the origin of many of the involuntary acts of the eye such as the narrowing of the pupil in bright light is the:

25 / 50

Which material will be most suitable for making a tent?

26 / 50

Which is a group of constellation through which the Sun appears to move?

27 / 50

Choose the correct statement.

28 / 50

The largest unit of the biological system is:

29 / 50

Ecosystem can be defined as:

30 / 50

Which group of animals have been on earth the longest?

31 / 50

Evergreen forests grow in the high:

32 / 50

Nutrients present in plants and animals are used again and again with the help of:

33 / 50

Which of the following have hearing organs on their front legs?

34 / 50

Drainage water is also used for irrigation. It is a:

35 / 50

Friction force always opposes:

36 / 50

What is the main reason behind the downward flow of water?

37 / 50

When we destroy a forest, we destroy:

38 / 50

When heat is supplied to molecules, their _____ energy increases.

39 / 50

What type of simple machine is found on the floor of a bath tub?

40 / 50

At which temperature does water turn into ice?

41 / 50

Where do the tribal people get their food from?

42 / 50

Which of the following statements is true?

43 / 50

Why do the leaves of trees change colour in the fall?

44 / 50

Gliding joint is present in:

45 / 50

Which of the following sets represents primary consumers?

46 / 50

A screw is made up of ______ wrapped around a post or rod.

47 / 50

Rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults are deficiency diseases of:

48 / 50

To press or fasten objects like the book binding press, is an example of:

49 / 50

Bones are made up of:

50 / 50

Plants that need clayey soil to grow well are:

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