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Science-Mock Test—1 — 2025


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1 / 50

Cyclones can be

2 / 50

The device which is used for measuring time intervals in sports activities is called

3 / 50

Parasites obtain their food from

4 / 50

Cyclone warning is issued

5 / 50

Soil conservation measures are mainly aimed at protecting

6 / 50

Our body contains ………… % portion of water.

7 / 50

Which of the following is influenced by forests?

8 / 50

A device used to measure the temperature is

9 / 50

A virtual image

10 / 50

The green pigment that is present in the leaves are called

11 / 50

White light is composed of

12 / 50

Which of the following is a good conductor of heat?

13 / 50

Colours of phenolphthalein indicator in acidic and basic medium, respectively are

14 / 50

Which of the following is not a wool-yielding animal?

15 / 50

Which one of the following is a step in the formation of soil?

16 / 50

Wind currents are generated due to

17 / 50

Which of the following thermometers has a kink?

18 / 50

Acids taste

19 / 50

Which of the following is used as a side view mirror?

20 / 50

…………. represents the solid form of water.

21 / 50

Which of the following does not cause soil erosion?

22 / 50

Water day is celebrated on

23 / 50

Which kind of plants generally constitute understorey layer in the forest?

24 / 50

Silk is obtained from

25 / 50

Fungi is a

26 / 50

The clocks and watches which are used for measuring time are based on

27 / 50

Human beings get food from

28 / 50

Which of the following is a forest plant?

29 / 50

Which one of the following shows lateral inversion?

30 / 50

The nature of bases is

31 / 50

Human beings can be categorised as

32 / 50

A bus travels 54 km in 90 minutes. The speed of the bus is

33 / 50

Hurricane is the name of cyclone in

34 / 50

Which of the following is not the name of a tree?

35 / 50

The path of the light is

36 / 50

Which one of the following is the cause of the depletion of water table?

37 / 50

Which factor influences soil formation?

38 / 50

Which of the following feel soapy on touching?

39 / 50

Which of the following thermometer contains mercury?

40 / 50

The branchy part of a tree above the stem is called

41 / 50

Water is found in

42 / 50

Odisha was hit by a cyclone in the year

43 / 50

Bases taste

44 / 50

Yak wool is common in

45 / 50

The formula for distance is

46 / 50

Fibre is obtained from

47 / 50

What is the range of the temperature reading of a clinical thermometer?

48 / 50

Soil is the substance which makes up the _________ of the earth.

49 / 50

The distance travelled by the vehicles is recorded by

50 / 50

Which one of the following is a wool-yielding animal?

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